CTC and FICO Announce New Member Benefit Addressing Cyber Risk

CTC and FICO announce membership offering that provides its members access to a free subscription to the Portrait portal of the FICO® Enterprise Risk Suite, which gives businesses access to their FICO® Enterprise Security Score. With this complimentary subscription, organizations can learn how business partners and cyber insurance underwriters view their network security.

In addition, Chief Risk Officers and Chief Information Officers can now quantify the risk stemming from lax network maintenance and user behaviors that increase the likelihood of suffering a large-scale data breach. The free subscription enables organizations to curate the assets upon which their score is based, tagging the correct assets and removing assets that are not connected to their network. This provides transparency, enables fair assessment, and improves accuracy in the security scoring process.

The FICO® Cyber Risk Score is based on billions of cyber risk indicators that are monitored at Internet scale. It relies on machine learning to interpret the network hygiene practices of thousands of previously breached organizations and form predictors that amplify the signals associated with behaviors proven to increase the risk of data loss. The FICO Cyber Risk Score is part of the FICO® Enterprise Risk Suite.

Organizations subscribing to the Portrait portal within the FICO® Enterprise Risk Suite can view their own three-digit Cyber Risk Score, on a scale of 300 – 850, and use it to understand and track their own performance. The score can also be shared with business partners as an easy-to-understand surrogate for a more in-depth exchange of security posture details. To learn more and to subscribe to this free service please visit FICO’s LANDING PAGE HERE.

For additional information or with questions, please email at ESSPortrait@fico.com.

For details on this and other benefits in the CTC Member Exchange, please visit the MEMBER EXCHANGE HERE.

For more information on all CTC Member Benefits, please visit our MEMBER BENEFITS HOME HERE.