What Is Technology-Based Economic Development?

As CTC embarks on new programs linking investors and entrepreneurs with labs and universities, we also constantly benchmark our systems and processes with similar organizations around the world.

We are the California affiliate of the State Science and Technology Institute (SSTI), which strengthens initiatives to create a better future through science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Along with dozens of sister organizations focused on state-level programs, we are focused on technology-based economic development (TBED) and the accompanying services for inventors, entrepreneurs, and growing companies to make the most of this impact.

SSTI defines TBED this way:

Over the last several years, the U.S. economy has been undergoing a dramatic transformation as the nation moves to an economy driven by technology and innovation—through the creation of new industries and the application of technology in traditional industries. Competing in a global economy, regions must have an economic base composed of firms that constantly innovate and maximize the use of technology in the workplace. Technology-based economic development, or TBED, is the approach used to help create a climate where this economic base can thrive.

Learn more about TBED and SSTI on their website here.

Learn more about the CTC Venture Development Program, First Pitch, and more here.